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Gentle, Low Force
Chiropractic Care

Dr Andrew Kay
021 6719622

I specialize in using adjusting/manipulative techniques that are both effective but very gentle.
These are  DNFT, Logan, SOT, Activator, Nimmo Receptor Tonus Technique and LLoyd table drops.
We have a special interest in lower back pain, neck pain, headaches and sports injuries. 

What is Chiropractic? 

A health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health. It is also acutely aware of the connection between the social, physical and mental wellbeing of the individual.
Who can see a Chiropractor?                                                 
Anyone can. From babies to the elderly, we all have functioning musculoskeletal and nervous systems that should be evaluated by a chiropractor.

Education of Chiropractors                                                                   
An emphasis is placed on anatomy, neurology, bio-mechanics, nutrition, x-ray, physiology, diagnostics and spinal adjusting/manipulative techniques.
In South Africa, a Masters Degree in Chiropractic is offered at the Durban University of Technology (DUT) or the University of Johannesburg (UJ).
Education and training is spread over six years, after which the title Doctor of Chiropractic is conferred.
Internationally, chiropractic can be studied throughout the world.

Do I need a referral to see a Chiropractor? 

No – a Doctor of Chiropractic is a primary health care physician. This means you do not need a a referral. If yours is not a Chiropractic case, your Chiropractor will refer you to the appropriate
health care provider.

Injured whilst at work?

Injuries sustained in the course of one’s work are covered by the Workman’s Compensation Act and since 1994 chiropractic care is a treatment option under this act. All costs including X-rays will be 
reimbursed by COIDS (Compensation for Occupational Injury and Disease).

Is Chiropractic safe?

In the words of the New Zealand Government’s inquiry, Chiropractic care is “…remarkably safe.” 
It is safer than back surgery, muscle relaxants – even aspirin. All ages, from babies to the elderly can enjoy safe, effective care. As with everything in life and every medical intervention.
Chiropractic care does have its own set of risks. These can include aggravation of any inflammatory condition, sprain, strain and extremely rarely a vertebral artery dissection. These potential risks should be considered  when making the decision to receive Chiropractic care, however, it is important to know that you have a greater chance of being struck by lightning (1<100 000) than suffering a serious complication of a spinal 
adjustment / manipulation (1>1 000 000).  

Is Chiropractic scientific?

Research from New Zealand, Australia, the United States, England, Denmark, and Canada have validated the scientific practice of Chiropractic. The “Manga Report” produced at the University of Ottawa validated Chiropractic for its safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness for lower back pain. Ongoing research continues to validate the beneficial improvement of patients suffering with various complaints from headaches, asthma, whiplash and pre-menstrual syndrome, to name just a few conditions. 
Research has shown that 80 to 90% of people will suffer from lower back pain at least once in their lifetime and it is the second highest causal effect why people visit a healthcare professional.    

Why do children and babies need Chiropractic care?

A study by Nilsson in Denmark reports that children under Chiropractic care are healthier than other children, miss less school, are more attentive and have less need for drugs. Children with conditions such as earaches, colic, bed-wetting, scoliosis, “growing pains”, torticollis and asthma often respond well with Chiropractic care.  
Can I go to a Chiropractor if I have had back surgery?

Yes, having had surgery, once the healing has taken place there is no special risk associated in receiving chiropractic care.

Is Chiropractic covered by medical aids?

Yes. You are responsible for the payment of the fee at the time on consultation; however, you will be invoiced and issued with a medical aid statement for the appropriate treatment and ICD codes for reimbursement by your medical aid company. We accept most credit cards, debit cards and cash.

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